

What pillows do I need
I doubt there will be pillows provided in any of the accommodation. So you’d better bring your own, however there may not be room in the vehicle for a “normal” pillow for the three nights of remote camping.

When do I pay the balance of the trip?

Do we need tents?
No they are being supplied, though you can bring your own, especially for the remote camps (3 nights) where you may otherwise share.

You say tents are supplied but will I be sharing at Glen Helen and A/S?
No, you will have a tent for yourself at the two static camps. The supplied tents are 2.1x2.1 metres, I am told, with standing room in the centre. You may be sharing these at the remote camps unless you bring your own tent.

The tents are 2.1 x 2 m but do they have a central pole.  Can we bring our own Thermarest (no central pole means we could put two together.
Yes they do have a centre pole, however couple should manage to get around this!

Are air mattresses being supplied?
Yes, however you may like to bring your own.

Do I need a sleeping bag?
Yes. Preferably one that is rated to zero, plus a liner to increase thermal properties. Temperatures can get down below zero.

Do I need a pillow?
Yes, your own pillow would be a good idea. I doubt there will be any at Coober Pedy and probably not at Glen Helen or A/S.

What is A/S?
Alice Springs.

Do I need to bring a towel?
Yes, unless you plan to drip dry, preferably two.

What food should I bring?
All food is provided, except lunches on the way up in the bus and the way home. There may be fruit for morning tea most days, however if you want snacks, bring your own, there will be no chocolate..

Do we need utensils?
Yes,  you will need to bring cup/mug, plate and eating utensils.

I understand we will be bring our own cutlery & crockery?
Please refer to original FAQ (in a word Yes)

How much water should I carry?
How long is a piece of string? Depends on how hot it is and whether you drink a lot. Sounds silly, however some people just drink more than others. On the longer days I would recommend taking at least 500mls more than you would normally carry. We will discuss this at each evening briefing. You may like to bring some Gatorade or PowerAde or similar  powder to add to one of your water bottles.

Is the water at Glen Helen drinkable?
The water at Glen Helen is drinkable however are reports that it is pretty awful, being bore water. It can be made more drinkable with cordial or the previously mentioned Gatorade or similar. Alternatively, it may be a good idea to buy water at A/S or just drink beer!! I will try and get an updated report on the water quality. We may decide to buy water in bulk at A/S (See previous FAQ) however bottled  water is not being provided as part of the trip package. If we bought bulk water we would all chip in some money. There may be clear water on the Trail that we can drink, however we would advise using purifying tablets, hence their inclusion in the suggested gear list (attached)

Will at least 3l of potable water be made available daily by Banksia & we just have to provide bottles/bladders to carry it each day
No, Banksia will not be providing potable water. Water will be available at Glen Helen (see previous FAQ’s) and at A/S (see previous FAQ), however at the remote camps they will bring water in along with food tends etc.

 If we buy water in A/S it seems to make sense to bulk buy as a group
Makes sense to me too.

What is my baggage allowance?
A medium to large sized case or bag, a back pack and a smaller carry-on for the coach (not one of those wheelie things that go on the plane). You will need a smaller bag/case for personal items on our remote camp days.

What are the luggage dimensions / weights allowable.
This is what has been received from Banksia Tours- Luggage;    a medium to larger sized case or bag; a back pack & maybe a smaller carry bag (to go inside the coach). If your baggage wouldn’t be accepted by an airline then it won’t be accepted for the bus either.

Can I swim in the rock pools?
Yes, however the water is cold. For our remote camps, the only option for bathing will be standing water ie rock pools. NO soap to be used however. Remember we may need to replenish our drinking water first.

How much alcohol should I bring?
How long is a glass of champagne? I would suggest bringing alcohol from Adelaide. A/S (see FAQ above) has strict restrictions on how much you can buy per day. Casks or similar that get smaller as they are consumed seem like a good idea to me. Bottles are harder to dispose  and can break. When it comes to push and glug it’s up to you and how much room we have. We can’t expect David (our driver) to get grog for us.

Do I have to do anything?
Yes we are expected to help prepare the meals and wash up after. There will be some tent erecting (ladies don’t look helpless and expect the men to help. They are just as useless).

Will I be able to keep drinks cold?
There may be limited room in Banksia Tours fridges, but I wouldn’t count on it. The accommodation at Glen Helen and A/S (see FAQ above) may have limited fridge space.

Should I carry a mobile Phone?
You can, but it won’t work! We will be carrying a satellite phone, A Spot emergency locator and a number of the group will have radios.

What gear should I bring?
We hope to send you a suggested gear list soon. It will only include what we think are essential items, we are not concerned about the number of jocks or bra’s you bring!!

Will there be a theme?
Unfortunately, yes. We were unable to certify Simon before he put his list in, so here goes.
The Theme is  "Badges and Beanies" (Alice springs has a beanie festival and we will definitely need one (or more)). Or if you would prefer “Badgers and Beanies”
Then a  "Cheap Tuesday" movie night on the first Tuesday if there is a suitable space like a fire pit. Everyone bring along the story line of a movie they love. We will supply the Jaffa’s!
“Happy hour” on the Friday
Monday when we move to Ellery creek we will have a  "Bush Bard" night. Everyone bring a favourite poem to read around the camp fire.
On the Friday night we move to A/S (see FAQ above) we will have a  "Telegraph game" (we are walking to the A/S (see FAQ above) Telegraph Station after all!). Like Chinese whispers, with a drink between  each round (we will supply the Baileys).

Do I need to tip?
Yes, Simon and I are will accept any gratuity.

Is there a website I can look at?
Yes, try

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