
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Penultimate Packing Day

One day to go, to get the packing right and some consternation seems to be filling the email airwaves.
"How come I can go bushwalking for a month - carrying 7 days worth of breakfasts, lunches and dinners, a tent, cooking equipment and fuel - and it all fits into my backpack along with everything else.
Now I don't have to provide any of that, and I am struggling to fit it into a suitcase, daypack and carry-on luggage." Peter
"Touche Pete I have managed to solidly fill a 60L backpack and my day pack weighs 7kg!" Jo
And they think they have problems.
And still no pillow
Mind you a doctor's bag, an extra first aid kit and some radios doesn't help. Then neither does two cartons of red, and I'm not going to bother about water until A/S (see FAQ), so I shouldn't complain.
Of course I forgot to add my travel back pack with computer, Galaxy tablet and various electronic bibs and bobs. At least that will go with me on the bus.
Some more email exchanges-
"Sounds like you’re doing very well. I am up to a daypack, two boxes, couple of shopping bags and a large luggage bag. Have to find room for a pillow, boots yet." Julian
"Gee its not just a girl thing.. too much stuff! l will be wearing the boots and be rugged up like an eskimo enroute.. Pete has the box with the all important red alcohol and a small pillow bless him. Good luck packing." Jo
"Sorry Jo - only half the red survived the trip back from Kingston Beach. The waters OK though!" Peter
"Cheeky.. it would not be pretty without my medicine! I wholeheartedly trust it will make it up to Alice in it entire volume. Keep packing guys Im done." Jo
So you can see where the priorities lie.

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